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Workflow Action Update Custom Value

Leon from the development team.
Again, I’m here to tell you about the workflow Action Update, custom value.
Now this action has a lot of game changing possibilities where you can update a custom value using custom fields within forms and more.
Let’s take a look at how this works.
So in this example, I have a survey submission and an appointment status confirmed.
If they come in and they use the workflow trigger survey submitted, I’D update the custom value to a particular field from that survey.
This will allow you to update custom values dynamically anywhere you have them in place.
So it’s a really cool feature.
You could even potentially use it to count the amount of times that somebody has been in an appointment with you and you would update the custom value after doing a math operation.
Sure, there’s a lot of ways that this can be implemented.
I look up the action in our help library for more detailed information and stay tuned for more updates.

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